Random Post 35
Do you ever get that feeling sometimes when you want to do something but you are either too scared to do it or don’t want to end up making people angry? Or some other form of reason?
That is how I feel sometimes. I feel like doing the things I want to do but I am scared since I have no idea whats going to happen. And when I do manage to do the things I want to do, I feel a sigh of relief washing over me.
But, another problem is that when you want to do the things you want to do, you end up in a tight spot. You really want to do the things you have dreamed of doing, or want to do in your life before you get older and it seems like there is something blocking that way to prevent you from doing so.
Sometimes the things I want to do in life, are either derailed because of the things that are blocking me from doing so. (Being scared, Wanting to say something but trying to find the right words, etc.) Or its just my lack of confidence and not being able to do it right away but instead doing other things instead to avoid doing it.
Being an adult is difficult for making decisions on your own. (At least to me anyway) Because you don’t know whats going to happen and you start to freak out and panic and you start to overthink about it and your emotions get in the way.
It also doesn’t help when you worry way too much about it not happening at all.
That’s how life works and.. to be honest, I don’t like having these concerns or worries. It makes me feel unable to stand up and make decisions on my own without feeling that way.
But they are good for worrying about your parents or friends.. Other times.. not so much..
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