Being brave in difficult situations can help you feel better about yourself. Because in the end, you are important to yourself. Even if there are some setbacks. Be who you are, and let yourself be brave and overcome those that wish to take you down.
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Stress can be a bit overwhelming to people since it can make situations worse then they already are. It can make you have a bad day or even worse, you may worry too much about things that aren’t really necessary to worry about. But if it’s about Money, Relationships, Housework, etc. Then you can fix […]
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I’ve faced my fears. And I have beaten them with all my might. They are gone for good and I hope it stays that way. Even if they try to come back, I’ll be ready to face them once again. But for now, I will be glad that the fears will no longer affect me.
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I sometimes think that I’m living in my own world. And everything around me is happening so quickly. And my social life is a hit or miss. I’m taking my time being an adult but sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever manage that at one point. And making friends is a bit difficult for me […]
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Sometimes, I think we are trapped in our own little world inside our heads. We have fears, goals, and other stuff as well. And we just want to break free from it. Be confident and go about on our adventures that will last a life time. But something always has us holding back from doing […]
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I’ve made some changes in my life and that means I can breathe easier. I’m no longer dealing with online drama anymore. Which is good. I won’t go into too much detail but it’s overwhelming for me to handle. However, trusting people is not my strong point. Because you don’t know what might happen. As […]
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Words of wisdom for today: Be awesome. Always be awesome.
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From time to time, I’ll be making new posts. I’m just occupied right now with other things.
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December is here and Christmas is next week!
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November is here. Prepare for well, I guess anything really.