Random Post 20
I have a hard time saying whats on my mind sometimes because I get this nagging feeling in the back of my head that doesn’t want me to go through with it. But sometimes, I want to say whats on my mind without letting my emotions get in the way.
But the problem is that you have two options.. say whats on your mind or say nothing at all. But you want to say whats on your mind. But you can’t even if you want to. Because you fear that people will no longer be your friend anymore.
And because you will worry that you will be a horrible person for doing so. But don’t. Because this is all up to you. Say it. Speak It. Shout It out loud if you have to. (Well, I would advise to be careful on that though.)
This is your life. Do what you have to do, even if it can cause consequences in the end. Speak your mind out. Let the words speak for itself.
Because in the end, we are all different. Every single one of us. However, there is one thing I can agree on.. You can’t fix stupid people even if you try to speak your mind. Because if you do, they will get angry with you.
I don’t know if its true or not, but.. yeah. I really should continue doing these.. it makes me feel better to let my typing speak for me. With all its fancy words and what not.
Anyway, thats it until.. next time. Au Revoir! (It means goodbye in French. Learning French is cool.)
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